Olympus Trip 35 Soft Sand 455

Original price was: £175.00.Current price is: £155.00.

The Olympus Trip 35 is one of the most popular 35mm film cameras ever produced. It’s still affordable, very easy to use, the lens is sharp, it needs no batteries, and it’s compact. Looking amazing in this limited edition Soft Sand Genuine Leather..


Olympus Trip 35: Soft Sand

Serial Number: 5293455

Date of Manufacture: November 1982

Condition: Excellent

All cameras come with our free Olympus Trip 35 Accessories Web Bundle.

1 in stock

SKU: 5293455 Category: Tag:


Camera Serial Number: 5293455

D.O.M: November 1982

Workshop Checklist

✅Full check for lens / viewfinder dust, haze or fungus.

✅Exposure meter / needle mechanism air dusted, cleaned and lubricated.

✅Under Exposure Red Flag air dusted, cleaned, lubricated and checked in low to bright light.

✅Internal wiring checked.

✅Light seals replaced with high grade new seals.

✅Rear Door catch and correct fit / alignment.

✅Focus settings checked.

✅ASA settings checked.

✅Camera rattle check for any loose screws or parts in camera.

✅Viewfinder and Micro Window air dusted and cleaned.

✅Aperture blades checked in low / bright light and through the f stops for correct exposure position.

✅1/40 and 1/200 Shutter speed check.

✅Winding and rewinding mechanisms checked are operating smoothly.

✅Frame counter checked from 1 to 36 exposures with test film.

✅Interior film chamber cleaned and sanitised.

✅Camera body cleaned, polished and sanitised.

✅Silica Gel pouch placed in film compartment.


⚙️Lens stripped and cleaned.

⚙️Viewfinder cleaned inside, tightened and tape cover replaced.

⚙️Aperture mechanism disassembled, cleaned and tested.

⚙️Shutter button mechanism cleaned and lubricated.

⚙️Black and Silver body touch up paint.

⚙️Remove old skin, alcohol clean body.

⚙️Replace with correct grade camera leather.



Olympus - Japan

Point and Shoot

Film Type

Film Size

12, 24 or 36 Exposures


Manual film loading, advance and rewind

Hot shoe and Terminal

40mm Olympus D. Zuiko

Lens Size


0.9m to infinity

Shutter Speed
1/40 or 1/200, automatically selected, no bulb setting

f/2.8 - f/22

Sensitivity Range
25-400 ASA

Power Source
None required


Approx 410g


124×72×57 mm (4.9×2.8×2.2 in)



We're confident that after bringing your camera back to life with some loving care and attention that it will serve you well for many years to come.

We offer a free 90 day warranty on all our cameras and accessories. This should be enough time to get familiar with your new pride and joy, check it over and also run a 35mm film through the camera too.

We also offer extended warranties for extra peace of mind and full details of these can be found on our warranty page, however here is a summary below. A Warranty Pack can be added to your cart in the camera purchase options. 

Follow this link.